Parent Information
Quality Care & EducationAt St. Andrews Nursery we pride ourselves on delivering a high level of early years childcare and education to all children in our care. Our nursery environment focuses on encouraging children’s independence and choice. To support their learning we encourage exploration, investigation, and fun through freedom of choice, child centered activities with adult support and interaction.Every child deserves the best possible start in life; a child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life. The overarching aim of the Early Years Foundation Stage is to help young children achieve the five outcomes set out in the governments paper ‘Every Child Matters’ which are: Staying safe, being healthy, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution, and achieving economic well being. The nursery environment also ensures that nursery activities and resources aid children in achieving the seven areas of learning set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage. The seven areas of learning are interconnected by three prime areas and four specific areas.
Partnership With ParentsSt Andrew's Nursery sees its partnership with parents as being very important. Parents are experts on their own Child and are their Child's first and main educators. To meet the needs of children in our care effectively, we need to build strong relationships with parents and make sure that the sharing of information is a two-way, on going process. Our aim is to achieve an open, supportive relationship with parents, who will be made to feel welcome, involved and fully informed about what happens in the nursery. We will work with families, remaining mindful of different cultures and backgrounds, and ensure that parents are given every opportunity to take part in nursery activities and outings. We welcome any contributions or suggestions you care to make about the nursery.